Feeling so tired and smoked but damn was it a great weekend shooting the music video!!! Can't wait to see the final result!
Thaurorod would like to thank our awesome music video crew for all the amazing work!!! Thanks director Anne Rajala, Cameramen Mikko Karjanmaa, Titus Poutanen and Milica Krivokapic and freezing thank to music video's actor Toni "Mr. Säkkipää" Forssell for all the suffering for us!!! You guys are amazing!
Also we wanna thank Outi Strömberg and Kaviometsän Tila, Kari Kuikka and Hyvinkään kaupungin nuorisotoimi, Onni Forsell Oy and Melaja Oy for helping us with the video
Here is a quick preview video from behind the scenes made by Andi.
Note music on this video is not Thaurorod.
Have a great week metalheads!!!
Pasi / T-ROD
Some fire on the barrel.
Smoke, smoke, smoke...
Andi's wet socks steaming like there's no tomorrow!
Playing the song as whole band.
Individuals or in this case duo-individuals...
Some drumming by Mr. blast action hero.